Sunday, May 17, 2009

Attack By The Crazy No-See-Ums!

I have seen pictures of this train, and found out it was by the Salt Flats. So Paul, Tommy, Tyler and I went to go try out the Salt Flats for picture taking. We found the train first, since it was by SaltAir. We ended up spending about 10 whole minutes there, because there were these tiny flies called "No-See-Ums" and they bit Tommy and Tyler like crazy. I was decked out in a long sleeved shirt and long hair, so they didn't bother me as much, but Tyler started crying after about 5 minutes, and Paul hightailed back to the car with him. I tried to get Tommy to stay and pose for some photos, but this is as good as it got!

The End of Soccer

I finally am getting around to posting the last of Tommy's Soccer photos. He did really good this year, scoring 3 goals, and getting a goal in the last game. They asked me to snap a picture of the team, and so these are the team photos. Also, Tommy got a medal, which he is very proud of, and wears quite a bit!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lego Up The Nose

Tyler is our little textbook child. He was sitting on the floor playing with his legos, while I was in the other room sending out emails for my business. All of a sudden, I heard him cry, and rushed in to see what was wrong He had stuck a little triangle lego up his nose, and it was bleeding. Luckily, all was needed was some tweezers since he hadn't stuck it far up, and were saved a trip to the doctors!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tyler Vacuuming

Paul was nice enough to take Tyler with him today for a couple of hours while he was working on the house, so I could work on my photography. I told him he could go as long as he didn't play games while he was over there (the super nintendo is hooked up in the back house to keep the kids busy). Paul said he was just cleaning, so Tyler could help him vacuum up the dust.
When I went to pick him up, he said it was so funny. Tyler would start vacuuming, and then he would go over to Paul and say., "See, me vacuuming. Me a big boy. Me not bugging you."
He would come over the say this every couple of minutes. Needless to say, Paul had a hard time working!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tyler's Words of Wisdom

Tyler ran to the other door to get in today because a bee was buzzing around the front door. When I opened the sliding door for him he said:

"Me hate bee eat me!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tyler's Counting

Tyler was asking where Tommy was this morning, and I told him school. I asked if he wanted to go to preschool today, and he said no. Right now he is going to preschool 2 times a week, and so I asked him if he wanted to go 3 times now. He said "No, Zero. It's funny because he counts 1-10 all the time, but I had no idea he knew the number zero. It will be interesting to see if this is the beginning of him not wanting to go to school!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Pictures

Photos during the Rosenvall Easter Egg Hunt. Each grandchild was only supposed to pick up 15 eggs. Tyler is 4, and cannot count, and so that worked out to his advantage this year, as you can tell!